This section has the latest industry reports by FACE and others. We also collate relevant regulatory and policy information for the fintech ecosystem.
Pricing (interest rate and other charges regulated entities/NBFCs charge to the customers) is a critical component of a responsible lending framework reinforced by the Reserve Bank of India(RBI).
Know More >>There is evidence that some companies, in their public communications (website, blog, social media, marketing material, app stores, etc.), position their or partners' Digital Lending App
Know More >>Accurate and accessible disclosures are essential to customer trust in digital lending. The Digital
Lending Apps (DLAs) and the websites of Loan Service Providers (LSP) and Regulated Entities
(REs) are the first interface customers use to get information about loan processes and products
before application and during loan tenure.
Our members continue to scale and innovate in digital lending, reaching a larger customer segment.
This comes with a responsibility to resolve customer's complaints promptly to their satisfaction.
There is persistent proliferation of fraudulent and illegal lending, often misusing the details of
the regulated entities (REs)
This version brings substantive updates to the previous version of Code released in Dec 2020 and replaces it.
Know More >>Digital Lending Apps (DLAs) are critical technical infrastructure in digital lending, allowing an interface between customers and lenders at various stages of the loan cycle....
Know More >>The fintech industry has seen several instances of customers’ contacts from the phone.
Know More >>Accurate and timely submission of customer data to Credit Information Companies (CICs) is critical to credit information infrastructure.
Know More >>India Finance Report 2023, Connecting the last mile, Nov 2023, CAFRAL
Credit Market Indicator, A comprehensive measure of retail lending health trends, Oct 2023, TUCIBIL
State of the Fintech Union 2023 Building sustainable long-term businesses in Financial services, Sep 2023, BCG Consulting